Trailerblazing -- Room 237
Room 237 (2012) -- March 29, 2013 -- directed by Rodney Ascher
I had heard of this film a few months ago, when it was playing at the Toronto International Film Festival. The Shining is a horror classic that gave new meaning to the term "cabin fever" and made us forever wary of hedge mazes. Now director Ascher has made an interest-piquing documentary that delves into the 1980 film's themes and symbolism. From what I understand, the theories offered range from truly riveting to quite ludicrous to downright offensive, with the absurdity even making some viewers believe that the piece is a mockumentary. Still, when is The Shining not intriguing? Any debate or dispute or controversy regarding this horror staple is fascinating and it is actually surprising that no one has thought of analyzing the film in this manner earlier. I am looking forward to hearing opinions that Room 237 is boasting.
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