Film, life and everything in between

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Trailerblazing -- X-Men: Days of Future Past/Transformers: Age of Extinction/Jupiter Ascending

X-Men: Days of Future Past -- May 23, 2014 -- directed by Bryan Singer -- starring Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Hugh Jackman, Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult, Peter Dinklage

The first word that comes to mind is DARK. This film seems much more somber than the past X-Men films, with possibly the exception of The Last Stand. Pure darkness envelops this trailer, as though the story were a neverending symphony of grief and triumph. The stakes are indeed higher for the characters than they had been in First Class, with the mutants uniting to fight the threat of Bolivar Trask and his murderous Sentinels. On that note, I am looking forward to Dinklage's portrayal, as I am to the return of the original cinematic X-Men and Singer as director. I do hope that the film brings back the sense of wonder that First Class had in spades, and that it continues developing the arc of Magneto's evolution, giving Fassbender another opportunity to stretch his talent. May cannot come fast enough.

Transformers: Age of Extinction -- June 27, 2014 -- directed by Michael Bay -- starring Mark Wahlberg, Nicola Peltz, Stanley Tucci, Bingbing Li, Kelsey Grammer

What to say about this one? For starters, it will take Independence Day weekend in box office digits. Every element of this thing is designed to do exactly that. No matter what you may think, it will happen. Every other July 4 weekend release will be left in the dust, because that is what the Transformers do, no matter how painful they are to watch. Next, this actioner seems like classic Bay -- flags waving, colors popping, big shots walking in slow mo, the works. It can be a good thing, but it can also be pure boredom if that is all you have. When it comes to the Transformers blockbusters, I am not asking for much, only good entertainment, and the endless tedium of the 2011 film had disappointed me in that regard. To be honest, Age of Extinction does seem better than the abysmal Dark of the Moon, but do not get too excited because a) that is another type of low standard right there and b) a reboot does not necessarily equal new and fresh. Expect a whole lot of explosions, cool cars and 3D jumping out in full glory on the IMAX screen. I sure hope the filmmakers had remembered that a dynamic story was essential, though. 

Jupiter Ascending -- July 18, 2014 -- directed by Andy Wachowski and Lana Wachowski -- starring Mila Kunis, Channing Tatum, Douglas Booth, Sean Bean, Eddie Redmayne

Let's face it. We are in it for the amazing visuals, such as the power-of-the-universe scenes, the space fights, the gorgeous costumes and THOSE dragons -- apparently, Daenerys Targaryen has got nothing on the Wachowskis. In terms of story, the film does not seem too original, but it definitely looks unique. It blends innocuous camp aesthetics with a story of love and destiny, which is not a shabby way to spend a summer afternoon. As far as I can see, Kunis and Tatum share appealing chemistry, which is certainly going to be one of the make-it-or-break-it factors. Furthermore, I have always liked the Wachowskis' villains and Redmayne's character appears to be a good addition to the canon. This beautiful trailer reminds us what kind of works IMAX 3D was made for. You just know that Jupiter Ascending is going to be a feast for the eyes. I am looking forward to July. 


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Best regards,

Komang Setiabudi

4:07 AM  
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10:38 AM  

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