Film, life and everything in between

Saturday, December 06, 2014

Trailerblazing -- Terminator: Genisys

Terminator: Genisys (2015) -- July 1, 2015 -- directed by Alan Taylor -- starring Emilia Clarke, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jai Courtney, Jason Clarke, Matt Smith

Okay then. This unnecessary reboot makes a mishmash of James Cameron's Terminator timeline. What exactly is happening? A Terminator had raised Sarah Connor? Seriously? Does that twist not change the character's entire reason for being? Where are they going with this? So many questions, so few answers. I am not sure about the mimetic poly-alloy Terminators either, and hope that there is a context in which they are used, rather than representing the 'see, these bad boys look even cooler in 2015' attitude (they do not, by the way). With some scenes that literally copy the original, Genisys already reminds me of the needless shot-for-shot Psycho remake. It kind of, sort of seems the same, but... no. And how young is Sarah supposed to be? She looks like a high school student here and something tells me that this is not the period of her life that the filmmakers were going for. Or maybe they were. Or maybe this film has no point whatsoever. From the silly changes to the pretentious spelling of the title, I just do not see how this whole thing can end well. Pass.


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