Film, life and everything in between

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Trailerblazing -- Solace

Solace -- 2015 -- directed by Afonso Poyart -- starring Colin Farrell, Anthony Hopkins, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Abbie Cornish, Marley Shelton 

A good thriller is difficult to find these days. This one, about a psychic doctor hunting down a serial killer, seems like one of the more interesting films on the horizon. The story is quite original and the somber cinematography might be adding a cool new dimension to the on-screen events. The trailer gives a lot away, though, and I am hoping for more twists, because I think that some of the parts -- the killer has the same ability! -- should have been kept as a surprise. Nevertheless, the film looks suspenseful and reminiscent of some 90s thrillers that I personally love. Fingers crossed that the screenplay is solid and subversive, since every cinematic story lives and dies by good writing, particularly one that aims to bring something unique to the table. The cast is an amazing mix of seasoned talent and up-and-comers. I am happy to see Hopkins and Farrell working together again, glad to see Morgan in a leading man role and glad to see Shelton back in movies. Based on this trailer and his morally ambiguous "True Detective" character, Farrell will make for a formidable villain. Overall, we are in for an exciting ride. Bring on the thrills and chills!